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Baclofen is indicated for the relief of spasticity of voluntary muscle resulting from such disorders as multiple sclerosis, other spinal lesions e. Treatment should not be commenced until the spastic state has become stabilized. Once the maximum recommended dose has been reached, if the therapeutic effect is not apparent generic drug baclofen 6 weeks a decision whether to continue with baclofen should be taken. Satisfactory control of symptoms is usually obtained with doses up to 60 mg daily, but a careful adjustment is often necessary to meet the requirements of each individual patient. Elderly patients may be more susceptible to side-effects, particularly in the early stages of introducing baclofen.
The specific objectives of this study were: i to explore the gap between the need for and the actual provision of ITB services; and ii to compare England figures with other European countries with comparable data available. The estimated need for this treatment based on the incidence and prevalence of conditions susceptible to ITB therapy is between 4. The same period — has seen an increase in the delivery of other neuromodulation techniques including spinal cord stimulation, deep brain stimulation and sacral nerve stimulation. Conclusions There is a considerable gap between the need for and provision of ITB figures nationally. Additionally, within the same area, we have observed important differences in the ITB service delivery between the various trusts.

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